Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#219 - Considering Full-Time Ministry
Volume 1 - Prayers to Love God

Dear Father, there is something gnawing at my heart. This job isn't fulfilling me anymore. Corporate America. Perks. Benefits. Salaries. Vacations. Promotions. Company politics. There must be something more meaningful. I want to serve You with my career and my skills. I want to make a difference in many lives. Father, I find myself browsing seminary or charity websites. I'm feeling a calling to serve You full-time in ministry. One thing is for certain - I cannot serve You in ministry or claim to hear Your voice on this if I am in rebellion from You. Father, forgive me. I try to be my own god. I want to do what I want, when I want to do it, and how I want to do it. I doubt Your character, worrying about how things will turn out in my life. I worship other things. I am guilty of rebellion. I ask that the death of Jesus Christ on the cross pays the penalty for my rebellion from You. Now, I want to serve Him, the risen Lord, because I am grateful for what He has done for me. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, turning me into a man or woman of love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, mercy, compassion, generosity, grace, perseverance, patience, and self-control. Make me teachable. Give me a fire for prayer and the study of Your Word that is never quenched. Give me wisdom and insight that comes from Your throne. Give me a servant's heart. Give me outstanding communication skills. Direct me to my first step of ministry; something small where I can show my faithfulness. Show me this is Your calling by having godly people, my friends, and my family support this decision. Show how we can support our family financially when I move into ministry. Prepare my heart to be unappreciated for the sacrifices I make. Prepare my heart to work very hard and very much alone. Father, I need You to make me fit for ministry. Please get started today. Amen.

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