Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#394 - I'm Taking a Continuing Education Class
Volume 1 - Prayers to Love God

Dear Father, I have signed up for a continuing education class. I want to improve myself. Expand my knowledge. Learn a new skill. Acquire a new hobby. I may be doing this because I am feeling confident in life. I may be doing this because I'm tired of looking at the same walls in my house every day. I may be doing this with a friend or family member. It is a bonding experience. I may be doing this to meet new people. Father, is this Your will for me? If not, please let me know so I can drop the class. If it is Your will for me, help me to learn what it is You want me to learn. Perhaps You have a divine appointment in mind. Maybe I'm going to meet someone in class or in the hallway who You want me to show the love of God to. Father, even the trivial things we choose to do in our lives have meaning for You. If nothing else, this class is an opportunity to show the love of God to strangers. May this class achieve whatever purpose You have for it. Amen.

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