Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#612 - My Child is Dating
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, my teenage son or daughter is dating. They have a longing for romance. They have a longing for emotional intimacy with a member of the opposite sex. They have hormones that are raging out of control. They are motivated to be accepted by peers who are sexually active. Father, they know nothing about love. Love is not just a feeling. It is not a cute story in a Nickelodeon movie. Love is not a heart emoji texted after homework is done. Love is commitment. Love is devotion. Love is faithfulness. Love is perseverance. Love is unconditional. Love is proven by adversity. Love is Christ-centered. Love prospers only when both people surrender their lives to Christ. Father, we pray that our child will not settle for an ungodly relationship. We pray You will keep them from making an irreversible mistake. Protect them from a troubled relationship that scars them for life. Father, help them mature emotionally and spiritually as they date, finally finding the right person when they are wise enough to recognize them. Amen.

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