Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#677 - I'm Going to a Reunion
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, we live in a culture where there are societal expectations for success that weigh on all of us. Career. Money. Power. Influence. Pleasure. Fame. To be more specific, what degrees did we earn? How much money do we make? What designer clothing do we have? What's our stock portfolio look like? Are our children summa cum laude? Are they the stars on their sports teams? Are they going to an Ivy league school? How many grandchildren do we have? Are we in good marriages? Do we live in mansions? Do we travel extensively? What is our title at our job? What influential people do we call friends? Father, this is how the world evaluates our lives. It is all rubbish to You. You evaluate us on our character. Have we confessed and repented of our sin? Have we surrendered our lives to You? Are we exhibiting the fruits of the Holy Spirit? How have we overcome hardship and adversity? How do we help people in crisis? Where do we volunteer? How are we generous to the poor? Do we visit prisoners? Do we take care of orphans and widows? Father, I'm going to a reunion where two entirely different perspectives on success are going to clash - the one You want me to have and the one the world wants me to have. Father, help me to have Your perspective. May I display that perspective by being gracious to all my relatives or former classmates. How can I celebrate their achievements? How can I pray for them? What can I do to help them with problems in their lives? Father, I want to be like Jesus Christ at this reunion. Amen.

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