Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#175 - Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Poor Credit - Part 2
Volume 1 - Prayers to Love God

Dear Father, I lost my good credit. I was denied credit to borrow money to buy a car or a house. I could receive credit but at a high interest rate. Father, this is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I dreaded this moment, doing everything I could to keep my credit strong. Why was I so anxious about my credit? Because it became my god. My credit became a god with eyes, ears, a mouth, and thoughts. It had power to give me a good life. I have angered that god and now he denies me all that is good. Father, this is where I have rebelled from You. You are God and You give people credit. You are God and You provide cars and houses. If You want me to have a car and I have poor credit, You will get me a car. For example, an elderly member of my church may not able to drive anymore and may need to get rid of their car. This is how You do things. Father, I have asked for forgiveness for the things I did wrong that caused my financial crisis. I have asked for mercy in response to how I was financially victimized by others. Now, I can be at peace. You can provide me whatever I need regardless of how poor my credit is. May I trust in Your sovereignty, power, and love. Father, I do ask that I will be able to rebuild my credit with the financial community. Help me to eliminate my debts. Help me to buy things on credit and then pay for them the same month when the bill comes in. Over time, Father, that will rebuild my credit. I also ask that You cleanup my credit report. Whatever items on that report are inaccurate, please have them removed. Amen.

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