Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#279 - Help Me Let Go
Volume 1 - Prayers to Love God

Dear Father, please help me to face reality. An irreversible change has occurred. Things will never be the same again. I can long for the past but it is gone. I enjoyed someone, something, someplace, or a season but it is no longer. Father, I fret about this. I weep about this. Every day. At the center of all of this is my rebellious heart. Deep down inside there are one of two things wrong with me. I either don't believe You oversee my life (You are a spectator) or, if I do, I believe You are somehow mean or incompetent. You are going to mess up. My life is going to be worse than it was before. I can't trust You with change in my life. I can't trust You with my future. I can't trust You with new surroundings. I can't trust You with new situations. I can't trust You with new relationships. I can't trust You saying goodbye to others. Therefore, I long for the past, cling on to the present, and fear the future so much. Father, please forgive my rebellious heart. Please help me to move forward into the uncertain future at peace with the reality that You will bring change into my life. Change is how You transform my heart, soul, and mind into the image of Jesus Christ. Change isn't change unless it is challenging. Change that is comfortable is change that is not going to have an impact on me. No, the change You engineer in our lives is change that disrupts and pushes the envelope and crosses the boundaries. Yes, I can live without something. Yes, I can live without someone. Yes, all I need is You. Father, help me to let go of the need to lean on those things from my past that are gone. They were not You. I confess my inability to let go was rebellion, idolatry, and doubt of Your character. Please forgive me. Amen.

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