Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#284 - I Am Impulsive
Volume 1 - Prayers to Love God

Dear Father, I see it. I want it. I need to have it. Now. I have a thought. I say it. I have a thought. I act on it. If I were my own parent, I'd be the kind who lets their kid get away with everything. I'm at the same time the obnoxious adolescent royal sitting on his or her throne and the servant trying to win that royal's favor by catering to their every demand. It's my world and I get whatever I want whenever I want it. I don't question my desires. I don't test them. They are infallible. They command and I jump. If there are ramifications and consequences, so be it. I've got to be me. Father, I'm under the delusion that I am my own god. My impulsivity is never going to stop until I confess and repent of my rebellion from You. When I have surrendered to You, I will begin to think what would Jesus do? Does this thought please God? After the Holy Spirit has done work in my heart, my character will be stronger, more able to exercise self-control, patience, and perseverance. Father, please forgive me of my impulsiveness and my rebellion which fuels it. Amen.

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