Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#630 - My Social Media - Part 1
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, I am using social media. Pinterest. Facebook. LinkedIn. Twitter. Instagram. Google Plus. YouTube. Why? We were not created to have a solitary life. You made us to long for relationships. We need people because none of us are complete on our own. Other people have learned lessons we need to learn. Other people have insights, skills, connections, and resources we don't have. Other people can see things about us that we can't see for ourselves. We need to process things in our lives by talking things through with other people. We need to laugh and cry with other people. We feel value when people share their lives with us. We feel more secure when we don't have to experience scary things on our own. Therefore, we are people who long to connect with other people. In the 21st century, we turn to social media to feel connected with others. However, social media has a dark side. I don't have as many friends as someone else. Someone I care about unfriended me. Don't they care? People don't respond to my posts. My life is boring compared to the lives that my friends share online. People argue with me about things I believe in. They can be insulting. I feel sad using social media. I don't fit in and I'm not good enough for others. The friendships don't seem real, not without person-to-person communications. People aren't truly honest. They don't post about the terrible things going on in their lives. Father, I don't know how on earth to use social media? Should I? Shouldn't I? What do I post? Who should I friend? Whose posts should I like? Social media is another thing that proves we need to inquire of the Lord. We don't know what we are doing without Your guidance and direction. Father show me how on earth to do social media right. Amen.

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