Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#730 - Forming a Charity
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, I have been deeply touched by suffering. I experienced adversity personally or someone I love did. I know how painful it is to live through it. My heart goes out to others who are going through it. My heart goes out to others who will go through it in the future. They need help. They need support. I have learned a great deal about how to navigate through this hardship and I want to offer solutions to people who suffer. I've searched the market and I don't see a solution for this. Not a good one. Not one like the one I have in mind. Therefore, I am thinking of forming a charity. Father, is this idea from you? Is this what You want me to do? I am inquiring of the Lord. I need You to let me know if this is Your will. Father, there is so much that needs to get done. A name for the charity. Incorporation as a 501c3. Creation of bylaws. Building a board of directors, influential men and women with unique resumes relevant to our charitable mission. Hiring executive staff who have passion and competency. Obtaining licenses and permits. Getting funding. Renting or leasing a facility. Getting office equipment and supplies. Utilities. Insurance. Creating awareness in the community. Fundraising. Donations. Getting volunteers. Securing key partnerships. Holding events. Finding and inviting clients to help. We need to do all of this with integrity, to be above reproach. Father, we need You. This is too much for mortal man to do. I need You to be the God of this charity. I need You to provide us the resources, protect our organization, give us wisdom and direction, and help us transform lives. Father, forgive me of my rebellion from You. Help me surrender my life to You. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Use me to show Your love to the hurting. Amen.

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