Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#155 - House Fire
Volume 1 - Prayers to Love God

Dear Father, we escaped through the flames. It was terrifying. The heat and dim light of the flames. The black choking smoke. Feeling our way along the walls that fortunately had become so familiar to us. Tripping over things we had left on the floor, never giving thought that such carelessness would help us figure out where we were in the dark. After all the panic and screaming, we huddled on the front lawn, watching the house burn, with the sound of distant sirens getting closer. Neighbors gave us hugs and tissues. We stood staring and speechless, mesmerized by this sudden tragedy. It finally hit home as we sat in our neighbor's kitchen, the lights of the fire trucks blinking through the window. Our house has just been destroyed by fire. We have lost everything. The sobbing finally arrived on the scene. The neighbors could only silently hold us. Father, this fire was a spiritual wakeup call. The problems that had been so huge before we went to bed now seemed like nothing. The home we had decorated with such pride, trying to impress others, was now an unrecognizable pile of charred debris. Father, this was a reminder that we are not god. If we were, the fire would have been quickly extinguished. Father, You are God. Our family has taken You for granted. We go through our days without any regard for You. Do we need God to protect us? Do we need Him to provide for us? Father, after this fire, we know without a doubt that we do need You. Help us rebuild our homes and our lives. Thank You for sparing everyone in the family. Help the trauma of this night to heal. May the spiritual lessons we learned from this nightmare that we share inspire others to turn their hearts and minds back to You. Amen.

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