Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#40 - Why Do I Continue to Sin?
Volume 1 - Prayers to Love God

Dear Father, I still sin every day. Ugh. I want to play god. I can't shake it. It's always present with me. I can spend delightful time with You, feeling so much at peace and rest, and then I walk away determined to try again to run the show of my life. I do this without thinking. I listen to the evil one. It is he who was the first rebel. He hates You and hates Your Son, Jesus Christ. He wants believers to fail, to be ashamed, and embarrassed so that their message will be compromised. He is going to whisper in my ear the very things that my rebellious heart longs to hear. Help my redeemed nature to win the battles for my heart and mind. Keep me in Your Word and on my knees so that I will win the battles against temptation. Amen.

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