Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#315 - I'm Having My Performance Review
Volume 1 - Prayers to Love God

Dear Father, I am having a performance review at work. I ask that You help me make an effective case for my achievements. Help me to make a case for how I have grown on the job, increasing my expertise and skills. Help me to show how I've made a positive impact on sales, customer relations, or the bottom line. Help me to show how I've been an encouragement and a helper to my employees. Help me to show how I've been innovative and creative. Help me to show how I've made sacrifices for the company. However, before I can make these claims, I must accomplish them. Therefore, well before it is time for my performance review, please help me to achieve each of these things. Father, there is no guarantee that I will receive a fair performance review even if I was a model employee. I work in a fallen world and for an employer who is staffed by flawed and broken people. They may give me a poor performance review because of office politics. They may not like my faith in You. Therefore, I lift my hands and tell You that I've worked at my job as unto the Lord. You know the good I've done and You will take care of me in this job or in another. You are a wonderful God, by the way. Amen.

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